Saturday, November 18, 2006

Wow. I never thought I wouldn't have time to blog. I always thought that it was just a matter of typing up a few things and then just pressing 'Publish Post'. Turns out I have to give a lot of thought into each post. Damn it. I need more free time. Hopefully when I'm more used to blogging it'll take less time and I can post more frequently.

Anyway, I have been quite busy lately. There's my secondary school reunion coming up. Actually it's today, 18th November 2006. I have no idea whether it'll be fun or not 'cos I actually can't remember most of my classmates. I keep having to ask people who is that and even after them telling me I still don't remember.

So it is going to be a long day today. 12pm to 5pm. Lunch and Tea. It's really weird having a 5 hour gathering. I probably wouldn't know what to talk to people about after the first hour. So I guess I'll just do a bit of marketing for the wedding photography business.

The other thing that has kept me busy is that I shot a wedding on Sunday, 12th November 2006. It was my first time shooting a wedding at the 'Mahkamah Rendah Syariah' (i.e. Syariah Court in English....I think). The bride converted to Islam so they had to do it there. All in all it was a really fun occassion. Lots of people turned up and lots of emotions going around. The groom was especially emotional and nervous. So much so that he had to have a Post-It® note stuck on the table to remember what he was supposed to say.

Another thing that has kept me busy is that I've been toying around with online slideshows. I am now just starting to offer them to clients. The cool thing about this slideshow program is that it is easy to configure and upload the show. Everything is explained well and I thank you David Jay for this super program. I think I'll be using this program a lot even for non-wedding stuff. What better way to let people look at your pictures than having a funky web slideshow.

I just did a quick slideshow of the most recent wedding shoot for everyone to see. Hope you enjoy it. Click on the link below to access the slideshow. Comments on the show are really appreciated.

Congratulations Zain Azmir & Maisarah

Zain Azmir & Maisarah Akad Nikah Online Slideshow